Noventis Dermo Adjust Restilase - 50ml Bottle

Strength %
 Restilase erases excess hyaluronic acid

NOTE : The 4.5% option is the same strength as the Topilase treatment.

    • Vulva Lips 2.2% 
    • Intimate 2.7%
    • Lips Edge 4.5%
    • Mid Face 7.2%
Product Overview:

The Noventis Dermo Adjust Restilase® topical serum range contains a non-injectable topical compound that helps erase errors and side-effects associated with hyaluronic acid injections. It does this by catalysing the hydrolysis of hyaluronic acids. These enzymes then have lowered viscosity and increased permeability with the surrounding tissues, allowing skin to restructure and rebalance. Restilase is reserved for medical professionals registered with the order of doctors. Health professionals strictly reserve its use following a skin diagnosis.


Restilase Instructions For Use

Product Details: 
  • Bottle size: 50 ml 
  • Applicator: Brush included
  • Use by: Keep refrigerated and use within 1 year of opening.
Product Features:
  • Compatibility: HA injections of Belotero, Galderma, Stylage, Juvéderme, Pluryal, Radiesse, Restylane, Hyacorp, Filmed, Cytocare, Teoxane, Hyacorp*
  • Hypoallergenic: RIPT (Repeat Insult Patch Test) data is derived from In-Vivo sample testing on panels of up to 600 subjects.
  • No Animal Ingredients: Free from bovine, ovine, bacterial, or testicular sources.
Product Benefits:
  • Fix oedematous reactions: Resolve swelling, asymmetries, textures, granulomas and over injection, especially in hard to inject areas such as dark circles, nose, and lips.
  • Improve patient satisfaction: Reduce negative patient reactions and reviews from having an immediate visible and unnatural hyper-injected appearance.
  • Bonus skin tightening: Doctors and patients have observed a tightening of the skin and significant hydration with a quick recovery period (18 days)
Product Use Cases:
  • Sculpting: 2 thin layers immediately after injection on cheekbones or for under eye pockets, 2 to 4 sessions spaced 12 to 15 days apart.
  • Minor Corrections: Requires 1 to 2 sessions spaced 12 to 15 days apart, depending on the professional's assessment.
  • Large Adjustments: 1 dose immediately post-injection. Then over time: a dose adjusted to the volume and type of product injected, 1 to 3 sessions at 1-week intervals.
  • Elimination: A thick layer is placed on the area. The protocol is 4 to 6 sessions spaced 12 to 15 days apart.